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Joy Draiki

Model: Joy Draiki | Canon 5Ds / EF 135mm F/2.0 USM | 1/200 - f/6.3 - iso 100

Although you can see little of the dress, it's a keypart of the photo. It separates the photo between the nude model and her descent. When you think about a 17th-century-setting; dresses like this were for the fortunate ones. A dress like this didn't came easy; they were expensive. And although the dress might not show that well, it gives a good indication that we are dealing with a well fortunate lady.

Like more often, the nuditiy is important and it's not realy hidden, but it's not main ingredient in my photos. A small peace of the breast is often more pleasing to the eye than two breasts out in the open. The nudity doesn't have to be the most important thing in the photo, it must became the part of the photo. Together with the pose it emphasizes the grace of being a woman. Like more often the nudity is more of a symbol to tell the viewer something instead of the goal of the photo.

The post-production of the photo took a bit of a monotone setting. De shades of red are domniant and are matched together. The dress was originaly much more saturated. It screamed for attentnion. By putting everything more together you get more harmonie in your photo. Easing of with the colors gets the attention to the face of Joy and then you start looking at other things in the photo.

Joy Draiki Sofie Joke van 't Veer Stephanie Patricia Timmerman Nicky Esmeralda Shapes Just Joycee De lezende dame De lezende dame De lezende dame Sofie with a flower Out in the fields Ben, male nude

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